Sunday, April 10, 2011

Priming Progress

So! Progress. I have been priming the case for.. uh.. 3 days now, and I have at least another day to go.

The case has gone from MDF light yellow to Primed Darker Yellow. Wheee! What sort of shenanigans are next?

Unfortunately, I have had epic amounts of problems with the joins. The bog just doesn't seal at all. I have seen lots of recommendations for using 2-part epoxy to seal joins, and i now wish I had a time machine to go back and follow the directions. I have bogged and rebogged and whatnot, and as soon as there's a few days of different temperatures, the bog either cracks or pops out of its joint. All I can do is smooth it out and lather primer on it ASAP, unless anyone has a time machine. My solution, for some of the worse joints, has been to f--king lather it with primer (massively against the rules, but whatever).

The section above the main buttons + joystick also gave me grief - I bogged it up again but when sanding it was hardly smooth - solution was to f--king LATER IT WITH PRIMER. It looks really smooth now - the surface tension has kept it rounded and a bit of sandpaper will smooth it out nicely!

As much as the rule is light coats, when I've run into trouble LATER IT WITH PRIMER has worked. This means a lot of sanding next round to remove the thick run off, but if you can do a good job of smoothing the runoff and do another coat and sand - its smooth again. The hope here is that the part just above the buttons ends up with a smooth curve up to the next piece of MDF and will paint + sand well (I'm sanding this bit by hand now) - so far so good.

I'm still scared of cracks showing up later but I'm well past the point of re-doing my joining method. Its time for suck it and see!

Above - the first coat of paint on the base bit. Here I really should have done a lot more light coast but I ran out of time (light dwindling). This is the first base coat of Red for the stripes, and the first base coat of colour on the entire damn thing!

Anyway, I did muck around on a scrap peice of wood and come up with the below results - with no priming or sanding or anything. Encouraging to say the least!

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