Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Vid #1

Alright, now I have a "blog" I can link the vid I put up a while ago.  Few more sitting on my HDD ready to upload.  Unfortunatly, these uploads have been blocked by work and sheer lazyness.

Win '98, roused from its sleep, threw a bluescreen at the mortal that dared distrub its sleep, then returned to its eon-long slumber.  And you thought Cthulhu was bad. 

Yeah, I decided to try and wipe the installation and install '98.  "It will boot faster", I thought.  "Easier to do a splash bootup screen", I thought.

And it did, it just didnt do much else.  98 didnt have the video drive, so I figured it would be a quick case of installing the 98 drive off the mobo driver CD.  Right?  WRONG...

Installing the driver disk was made of fail, as 75% of the time I inserted the CD, it came up as a audio drive.  Also, 50% of the time the drive bay closed it blue-screened.  When I did get it in, the 98 drive failed to install.  Copying the drivers across manually blue screened the sucker as well.

Back to XP i go...

(sidenote: [Speaking of cthulhu] I recently built a compy for a mate of mine who wanted a non-dell [shudder] PC.  It was crawling with viruses and had oven cleaner sprayed all over it in a attempt to lube up a noisy GFX fan.  Clearly there was dark forces at work here - this PC had to be sanctified before autopsy)

Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!

1 comment:

  1. Credit? Aw, you do care!

    I really wish you hadn't thrown in all the Cthulu references - it makes going down to the beach and finding a shore full of gigantic dead jellyfish so much more unnerving.
